
“If someone listens, or stretches out a hand, or whispers a kind word of encouragement, or attempts to understand a lonely person, extraordinary things begin to happen.” -Loretta Girzartis

Connection with others is a vital aspect of the grief journey. We are strengthened by the community we find with others who share the same experience. This newsletter is a place to find hope and encouragement. 

Note: Your contact information is precious and I will never abuse the trust you give me. I will only use your contact info to send you a periodic email with information that I hope you find helpful and supportive. You can unsubscribe from the list at any time by contacting me.

Executor Assistance

Sometimes the loss of a loved one creates challenges that you may not be experienced to handle. This can be especially true if you have been named as the executor of the estate. Being an executor can be challenging at the best of times, but if the scope of the estate is outside of your comfort zone, the task can be even more daunting. An Executor Advisor is an expert in their field who also has a broad practical knowledge of everything the executor needs to know. Click on the ‘consult a CEA’ tab to discover why it would be beneficial to work with a CEA (Certified Executor Advisor) member. Search ‘Find a CEA’ to locate an expert in the area(s) you are looking for, both geographically and professionally.

For more information about the role of executor assistance, feel free to contact me. You can also check out the CICEA (Canadian Institute of Certified Executor Assistants).

workshop: Journaling through grief workshop

Journaling your thoughts, whether from grief or any other life event, can have a profound impact on your outlook and your grief experience.   Participants in the workshop will learn about the benefits of journaling as a way to heal from their grief or loss, and how to use journaling as a way to give voice to your unique story of loss. It will also provide some strategies for moving through grief and into life without your loved one.  Worksheets and resources will be provided. Contact me for the next start date.

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